The stats that matter…
Expectant mothers who attended Calmbirth® workshops are:
Five times more likely to birth without needing any analgesia.
Twice as likely to birth without the need for an epidural
and are
40% less likely to have a caesarean birth.
While only 12% of women
described themselves as confident or very confident about their upcoming birth at the start of Calmbirth® classes,
afterwards that number surged to 88%.
Partners experiences were similar. With just 11% described themselves as confident or very confident beforehand, 79% felt described feeling confident or very confident afterwards.
More than 95% describe themselves as very or perfectly satisfied with the classes.
Above statistics from two studies.
Study exploring the outcomes of three different childbirth program models: Calmbirth®, Birth Intensive Program and Having a Baby (HAB). Conducted by Dr Jane Svensson (Antenatal Coordinator at the Royal Hospital for Women, Randwick N.S.W.)
Calmbirth® survey of 3800 of their couples who birthed between 2009-13 and compared results to those from the NSW Mothers & Babies 2010 report (-statistics of the general birthing population supplied by public and private hospitals in NSW.)